From Microscope Art to E-commerce
From Microscope Art to E-commerce: The Story of an "Accidentally" Born Project
You know that feeling when you're doing something just because it makes you happy, and then suddenly you discover that others like what you're doing too? That's exactly what happened with me and my microscope photographs.
How It All Started
It all began when I started photographing ordinary chemicals through a microscope. Regular aspirin or baking soda could transform into fantastic landscapes or abstract artworks under the microscope. It was (and still is!) like magic to me - you put something ordinary under the microscope and suddenly you see something absolutely incredible.
I shared my first pictures on Facebook out of pure enthusiasm. I just felt I had to show them to someone! Because let's be honest - when you see something amazing, you want to share it with others, right?
"Can We Buy These?"
And then the questions started coming. At first just a few, then more and more. "Can we buy these pictures somewhere?" "How much do they cost?" "Do you ship internationally?" These messages kept coming in.
To be honest, it was quite funny at first - I had never thought of my pictures as something that could be sold. They were just... well, the result of my hobby.
First Attempt
So we tried. Very hesitantly and tentatively at first. We thought we'd make it big - put everything microscope-related up for sale. Microscopes themselves, accessories, all sorts of equipment... But you know what happened?
Nothing! Well, almost nothing. People kept asking only about the pictures. This was our first big lesson - sometimes you need to listen to what people actually want, not what you think they might want.
Back to the Beginning
So we decided to go back to where it all started - to the art. The new shop now focuses only on pictures and a few products where we use these images (like calendars).
It seems so simple and logical when looking back. But sometimes you need to make a big circle to get back to where you should be.
What's Next?
Currently, we're focusing on bringing the beauty of the microworld to as many people as possible. Every picture in our shop is its own little discovery story - an ordinary chemical that transforms into something extraordinary under the microscope.
And the best part - I'm still doing what started it all. I sit at my microscope and discover new worlds. Only now I have an easier way to share these discoveries with others.
What I Learned?
- Sometimes the best things in life are those that happen accidentally
- Simple is often better than complicated
- Listen to what people actually want
- Don't be afraid to change course when you see something isn't working
So if anyone asks how I became an e-shop owner, the answer is simple - it wasn't planned, it just happened. And I'm very grateful for that.
P.S. And if you're worried that I've turned into a serious business person - don't worry! I'm still the same microscopy enthusiast who gets excited about every new crystal pattern. I just now have a way to share that excitement more widely.
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